Sunday, May 8, 2016


I'm on the brink of my 34th birthday. I will turn 34 in exactly 7 days. I am a happily married mom of 2 handsome boys. But like several other mom's out there, there is one thing that I would like to change about myself. My weight. Over the course of two pregnancies I have gained my fair share of weight.

So, what does my weight and age have to do with each other? Well, I always said that I wanted to be at my goal weight of 135lbs by my 35th birthday. It just hit me the other day that in just a little over a year I will be 35. It always has felt so far away that I never really got serious about losing weight. Lets be honest, it is so much easier not to think about it! But reality is starting to sink in and I think it is time that I start thinking and doing something about it.

Which is why I am here. I am not a writer and have never been good at even keeping a journal. But I need to do something so I am going to give this a try. I am going to journal, here on my blog, my next year as I work toward hitting my goal weight.

I will see you next week as I start this journey!

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